Training Update 0070823

Please note the recent course changes to our online course list.
Courses added to the online training store
Asphalt Paver (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Asphalt Paver (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Asphalt Safety (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Asphalt Safety (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
BCMSA Fatigue Awareness and Lifestyle Training
Bear Awareness (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Bear Awareness (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Beryllium (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Beryllium (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) - Worker Safety (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) - Worker Safety (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Boom Lift - Operator Safety (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Boom Lift - Operator Safety (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Boom Truck Safety (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Boom Truck Safety (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Chainsaw Safety Awareness
Confined Space - Awareness Training (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Confined Space - Awareness Training (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Construction Safety for Supervisors
Dairy Workers: Animal Handling and Health
Dairy Workers: Chemical Safety
Dairy Workers: Feed Handling and Storage Safety
Dairy Workers: General Dairy Worker Safety
Dairy Workers: Milking and Chores Safety
Dairy Workers: Personal Protective Equipment Safety
Dairy Workers: Safety Around Robotics
Electrical Safety Training System (ESTS) Electrical Worker (CLAC) - 2022
Ground Disturbance 201 (BC)
Hazard Communication in Industrial Environments
Health & Safety Committees and Representatives - Online
Health & Safety Representatives (HSR)
Human Trafficking Awareness for Drivers
Landscaping Safety (CAN)
Normalization of Deviance
Prime Contractor - COC
Protecting Health and Safety of Vulnerable Workers in the Agricultural Workplace – Awareness Course
Safe and Smart Experienced Driver Training: Human Trafficking Awareness
Safe and Smart New Driver Training Program: Human Trafficking Awareness
Safe Vehicle Recovery
Scissor Lift - Operator Safety (OSHA)
Tractor - Operator Safety (OSHA)
Vehicle Mounted Aerial Lift (Bucket Truck) - Operator Safety (CAN) - Train the Trainer
Vehicle Mounted Aerial Lift (Bucket Truck) - Operator Safety (OSHA) - Train the Trainer
Verbal Judo Essentials
If you have any questions regarding these changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our training team members on 866-337-4734 or via email
- HSE International Training Team