Training Update 0102421

Please note the recent course changes to our online course list.
Courses added to the online training store.
Orden y limpieza en el trabajo/Order and cleanliness at work (Global)
Protección de la audición/Hearing protection (US)
Interrupción de líneas/Interruption of lines
Programa de prevención de lesiones y enfermedades/Injury and illness prevention program
Protección de la audición/Hearing protection
COVID-19 in Healthcare Environments (OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard)
Manejo y almacenamiento de materiales/Material handling and storage
Programa de Prevención de Lesiones y Enfermedades/Injury and Illness Prevention Program (US)
If you have any questions regarding these changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our training team members on 866-337-4734 or via email
- HSE International Training Team